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Module 7 Meeting Needs – Physical and Sensory Needs



    Module Aims and Overview:





    TS Allocation:




    Module Organiser Contact Details:






    Name  of Trainer(s):






    Target Group:



    Learning Outcomes (i.e. “Can do”, “Able to” on completion)

















    Module Materials:


































































    Module Assessment:













































































    To study the physical and sensory needs of people with limited health abilities and their derivation for a person. The module guides students to the development of curricula for students with physical and sensory needs.


    The purpose of the module is the students’ formation of the system of scientific ideas about inclusive education of persons with disabilities, the implementation of their personal-motivational, cognitive and practical preparation for the implementation of an inclusive education model at various levels of the education system.


    1 credit: 30 hours:

    Taught  Hours (lecture/seminars): 18 hours

    Independent  study hours:12 hours

    Dilbar Aslanova

    Zumrad Usmanova


    Liliya Sarkisyan


    Irina Parkhomenko



    Zumrad Usmanova

    Associate Professor  of Marketing Department SamIES

    Susanna Alieva

    Associate Professor  of Finance Department SamIES


    Uzbek, Russian


    University staff,  students, master students, Public service employees and NGOs


    On successful completion of the course participants will be able to:

    1. Apply health-saving educational technologies;

    2. Organize an educational process that contributes to the preservation of the mental and physiological health of students and their safety;

    3. Select educational technologies corresponding to the age-related psychophysiological and individual characteristics of the health of students;

    4. Use the methods of organizing joint activities and interpersonal interactions between subjects of the educational process;

    5. Motivate the subjects of the educational environment for joint activities and interpersonal interaction to solve educational problems;

    6. Possess communicative and reflective skills and abilities;

    7. Master methods and techniques for effective interaction with faculty and university staff, psychologists and other specialists in the issues of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of students with limited health abilities.


    Taught  Hours (lecture/seminars) 18
    Independent study hours

    (Background reading and seminar preparation)







    Suggested materials:


    1.    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

    About the development strategy of the new Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. Decree No. PF-60 dated 28.01.2022

    2.    Iskakova A.T., Movkebaeva Z.A., Zakaeva G., Aitbaeva AB, Baitursynova A.A. Basics of inclusive education (study guide). Almaty, 2013.

    3.    Ergaliev A. S., Zhantureeva A. A., Doskalieva R. B., Bekkalieva G. M. Application of innovative pedagogical technologies in the practice of psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs // Scientific and methodological electronic journal “Concept”. – 2017. – T. 35. – p. 51–58.

    4.    Ivanova E. A. Impaired vision as a factor in the occurrence of specific life difficulties and negative emotional experiences // Defectology.- 2010.- No. 3.- P. 15-28.

    5.    5. Ivanova E. A. Features coping with difficulties in people with visual impairment // Step into the future: Collection of scientific research of young scientists / Comp. E. G. Kulmach, A. N. Kovrizhnykh. – Kostroma: Avantitul, 2005 .– p. 169-172.

    6.    6. Meerson T.I. Modern problems of inclusive education / // Modern trends in the development of science and technology. 2015. – No. 7-10. – p. 78-81.

    7.    Eralieva H.S. The introduction of inclusive education in Kazakhstan // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of IV international scientific conference (Kazan, May 2016). – Kazan: Buk, 2016 .– p. 26-28.

    8.    Zhalmukhamedova A.K., Autaeva A.N., Bekbaeva Z.N., Yespanova D.D. Personnel support of the system of inclusive education in the context of the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy // Pedagogy, psychology and technology of inclusive education: Materials of   international scientific conference, Kazan, March 20-21, 2014. Poznanie Publishing House, 2014. – P. 89-92.

    9.    Abbott, C (2002). Special Educational Needs and the Internet: Issues for the Inclusive Classroom, London and New York. 232 p.

    10. Armstrongm A. Ch.  Armstrong D. &  Spandagou I.     (2010). Inclusive Education: International Policy & Practice, SAGE Publications Ltd, 176 p.

    11.  Clark J. Building Accessible Websites. (2007),available:http://joeclark.org/book/sashay/serialization/home.html

    12.  Kirk, S., Gallagher, J.J., Coleman, M.R., Anastasiow, N.J., (2010). Educating Exception Children (13th Ed.). New York: Houghton Mifflin;

    13.  Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., & Marshall, S. (Eds.). (2009) A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education: enhancing academic practice, (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge;

    14. Forlin C., Loreman T. (2014) Measuring Inclusive Education. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Volume 3. Emerald,.329 p.

    15. Mitchell D. (2005) Contextualizing Inclusive Education: Evaluating Old and New International Paradigms. London: Routledge,.309 p.

    16. Mitchell D.(2014) What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education: Using Evidence-BasedTeaching Strategies, 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 253 p. available:http://samples.sainsburysebooks.co.uk/

    17. Nguyen, X. Th.(2015) The Journey to inclusion, Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers, – 199 p.

    18. Royal College of Nursing (2007) Mental health nursing of adults with learning disabilities: RCN guidance, London: RCN.

    19. Shackelford E.L., Edmonds M.(2014).Beyond Disability: Etiquette Matters. – Xlibris, available: https://www.sensepublishers.com/media/

    20. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 / B. Caldwell, M. Cooper, L.G. Reid, 2008,

    21. G. Vanderheiden  W3C, available:  https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/

    22. Morris C. (2014)  The Effectiveness of Inclusive Education for Visually Impaired Students in Further Education. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University, available: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/42520012.pdf

    23. Preceley I. &D’Andrea F. M (2008) Assistive Technology for Students who are Blind Or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment. N.Y.: AFB Press. 529 p.

    24. Korneeva, N. Yu. Some aspects of inclusive education for people with physical disabilities / N. Yu. Korneeva // Special education. – 2012. – No. 1. – S. 64-71.

    25. Khayrulina, I. A. Psychological mechanisms for the adaptation of students with cerebral palsy at the initial stage of university education / I. A. Khairulina // Correctional Pedagogy. – 2008. – No. 3 (27). – S. 75-77.



    Type of assignment       Weighting Learning outcomes
    Assignment 1: library-research paper 12,5% 7
    Assignment 2: Essay 12,5% 5


    Assignment 3: report 25% 3, 6
    Assignment 4: presentation 25% 2, 4
    Assignment 5: discussion 12,5% 1
    Assignment 6:

    Case study

    12,5% 4
    summative assessment:

    oral exam

    examination period




    Assignment 1: library-research paper (12,5%)

    A brief summary by students of the written content of the scientific work of the module, limited by the small volume but the maximum fully transmitting the contents of the original text (volume – 10 pages, Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt, line spacing – single).


    • Compliance of the paper to the topic.
    • The depth and completeness of the topic.
    • Adequacy of the transmission of the source.
    • Logic, connectedness.
    • The availability of examples illustrating theoretical provisions.
    • Structural ordering (presence of introduction, main part, conclusion, optimal ratio).
    • Design (availability of a plan, bibliography, citation culture, etc.).
    •  Author’s comment.


    Assignment 2: Essay (12,5%)

    Self-comprehension is a reflection of students on a scientific problem, using ideas, concepts, associative images from other areas of science, personal experience, public practice

    (volume – 5 pages, Times New Roman, font size – 14 pt, line spacing – single).



    • Disclosure of the student’s position on the topic.
    • Independence work.
    • The consistency and clarity of the structure of the essay.
    • Using the methods of comparison and generalization to analyze the relationship of concepts and phenomena
    • The general form of the presentation of the results obtained and their interpretation is consistent with the genre of a problematic scientific article.
    • The essay should show that its author knows and makes meaningful use of theoretical concepts, terms, generalizations, worldview ideas.
    • The essay should contain convincing argumentation of the position stated on the problem.


    Assignment 3: report (25%)

    This is oral message on a specific topic, voiced in front of the group

    (5 minutes).


    • The content of the given topic are fully covered.
    • The structure of the report has been observed (introduction, main part, conclusion, and examples).
    • The student is fluent in the content, clearly and correctly sets out the material.
    • Clearly and correctly answers the questions and comments of the audience.
    • Time regulation (no more than 5 minutes)


    Assignment 4: presentation (25%)

    A multimedia product representing a sequence of slides contained in a single graphic style containing text, drawings, photographs, animation, video and audio (10-12 slides).


    • The presentation contains complete, understandable information about the work.
    • The design of the slides corresponds to the topic, does not impede the perception of the content (no more than 3 colors on one slide).
    • For all presentation slides, one and the same layout is used.
    • Used means of visibility information (photos, tables, charts, graphs, etc.)
    • The illustrations are of good quality, with a clear image, the text is easily readable.


    Assignment 5: discussion  (12,5%)

    The method of discussion and resolution of controversial issues, stimulating the initiative of students, the development of reflective thinking.



    • Discussions within the framework of the related topic; vision problems.
    • The exact, clear wording of the arguments and counterarguments, the ability to separate the facts from the subjective opinions, the use of examples confirming the position of the parties.
    • Correspondence of the arguments to the advanced thesis, according to the counterarguments of the arguments presented.
    • Tolerance, respect for other views, lack of personality attacks, rejection of stereotypes, inciting dislike.
    • Lack of speech and grammatical errors, lack of slang and colloquial turns.
    • The ability to draw conclusions and defend their point of view.


    Assignment 6:Case study (12,5%)

    A teaching technique using real-life descriptions. Students should study the situation, understand the essence of the problem, suggest possible solutions and choose the most effective of them.


    • Mastering of a categorical apparatus, the desire to use definitions, to identify the content of concepts.
    • Professionally literate wording of questions (causes of the situation, harmony, brevity and clarity of presentation).
    • The quality of the analysis and the reasoning of the conclusions made.
    • The originality and creativity of thinking in the development of solutions.
    • Perspective and universal solutions.


    Oral Exam is an exam in which a Professor asks students questions that need an oral answer, i.e. answer, unapplied paper


    • Knowledge of the main content of the module, the depth and full disclosure of examination questions.
    • Mastering of the terminological apparatus and use of its answer.
    • The ability to explain the essence of phenomena, events, processes, to draw conclusions and generalizations, to give reasoned answers.
    • The logic and consistency of the response, the ability to answer the questions, to express the opinion of the discussed issues.
    • The culture of speech.


    Course Curriculum

    Meeting Needs – Physical and Sensory Needs
    1.Meeting Needs – Physical and Sensory Needs 00:00:00
    Teaching Record
    2.Teaching Record 00:00:00

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